Home. Visitor Information. Library/Archive. Links. Methodist Church View Robin Hoods Bay Fylingdales Museum and Archive Trust

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The Fylingdales Local History Group

Is now part of the

Fylingdales Museum and Archive Trust

The History Group was formed over 50 years ago but falling membership has led to an amalgamation with the Fylingdales Museum Trust, now renamed. The two groups have always operated in partnership, one looking after historical objects, the other historical paperwork in our small Library/Archive.

The new Trust will enable both aspects of the history of this fascinating corner of North Yorkshire to move forward together. This website features the Archive, details of the Bay Museum on Fisherhead can be found at our sister website museum.rhbay.co.uk

To view a Google Map of the area,

please click here

Are these your relations ? Lifeboat Fish Old Man